It started about a month ago. People would turn and ask me – and these are people I’d just met and people I’ve known for ages – they’d ask if “Nas Who” was my real name. It’s a ridiculous question to get asked when you know the answer, but people by and large err on the side of their fears, and hey, who knows what sorts of crazy new age names folks are calling their kids (my own brother and sister have named their kids things I’d never heard before they were said in the context of hospital waiting rooms). The candy-flipping hippie kid standing in the dark and the dust smiled when he said my full name because, he explained, his kin liked calling people by their true names. A healer I saw a few weeks later also asked, innocently enough, and then a psychic did again just two weeks ago.
Basically, “What’s that short for?” is the new Ryan Gosling, and since I’m a guy whose obsessed with patterns and cycles in our socio-developmental sphere, I tend to notice maybe more than anyone else would. There’s something to a name though. Something magic.
Die Antwoord Shoot Back at Youtube Commenters [Video]
Another: #eartotheground, #wethink
Tags: Comments, Die Antwoord, Fatty Boom Boom, Lady Gaga, Response, Youtube, Zef
By now all of mankind has seen Die Antwoord‘s new music video for Fatty Boom Boom at least twice (right?) and probably even covered checking out some of the back-and-forth between them and Lady Gaga on Twitter. The video showcases some of the usual warped genius from Ninja and Yo-Landi but there’s also this weird undercurrent of animosity that I don’t quite get. Not that they haven’t taken the piss before, just not on this scale. As part of their usual online hype-building, the zef rap crew’s decided to respond to Youtube comments under the original video with a little video of their own. Check out their responses below and contemplate with me whether or not Yo-Landi and Ninja can actually see through those contact lenses when they’re talking at us.
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