Tag Archives: Spider-Man

Reebok X Marvel

Reebok and Marvel have collaborated to bring a series of various old-school classic sneakers inspired by some of the comics company’s most popular superheroes and supervillains. Designed by Anthony Petrie, the sneakers will only be available in limited retail stores, which probably means South Africa won’t be seeing them. It’s rumored that these beauties will coincide with the release of the new Amazing Spider-Man movie, due this July. My personal favorites are the Venom Night Storms, the acidic tongue tag does it for me. What have you got your eye on?

Check out the goodness after the jump!

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Four Childhood Cartoons That Taught Me About Life

The other day, between doing important shit like fingerpainting and defending our house’s front yard from the forces of evil, my 4-year-old nephew was looking for something to watch on TV. While most days I’d just put on one of the bajillion kids channels provided for him on the idiot box, this time I turned to some illegally downloaded avi files specially-purchased nostalgia-tripping DVDs. Being a kid, he doesn’t really give a damn about things like the quality of the animation he’s watching, so given this opportunity, I decided to put on one of the shows that I grew up on. That got me thinking about the shows I loved as a kid and the huge influence they had on me (and my childhood wardrobe), which brings me to this: my list of the four cartoons that helped warp my young mind, for better or worse, and showed me how to live.

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Epic new international ‘Amazing Spider-Man’ trailer

We’ve already had plenty Amazing Spider-Man trailers, but the latest international one has finally arrived. The shitty thing about modern trailer-cutting has always been that it gives away too much of the movie you’re planning on seeing. Lately though, it looks like most of the guys cutting these little teasers are starting to figure out how to get it right. In Spidey’s case, it means mostly reusing scenes we’ve seen in previous teasers, without completely exposing the movie’s villain, The Lizard, or compromising too many cool moments. And yet this trailer is a dozen times more boss than the ones we’ve seen before. Check it out. Mind the subtitles.

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‘Spider-Men’ in June

Marvel Comics has been teasing comic book fans for the last four months with images of mysterious mixed Spider-Man symbols. Yesterday they finally revealed what’s about to unfold in June. It’s a 5-issue limited series and we think its going to be a little bit special.

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Three new clips from ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’

So after a lull, Columbia Pictures seems to  have begun the marketing push for their upcoming film The Amazing Spider-Man because, well, I guess the first three Spidey flicks being some of the highest-grossing movies of all time means they’ve felt pretty confident before now that they’ve got a sure thing here. Columbia have teamed with Kellogg’s to provide some clips for anyone eating breakfast in the morning with a FutureFone handy (so, not everyone, First-Worlders – cereal is a fucking luxury).

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