Tag Archives: Cosmonaut Grechko

“Batman House” [Tracks]

Dance music is a confusing beast. It has more genres and sub genres than any other type of music. But the principle is the same though out all its genres, get people dancing. It may be thou the bass or piano keys or though the wailing of Skrillex’s horrible LFO raping ( No hate to Skrilly the boy has done wonders for himself, but his sound is getting tired now ). But in 2010 an artist Allen Walker pioneered a new style which quickly took the name “Batman House”. Is it a real genre? Or are we trolling you?

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Round 1 [Tracks]

#eartotheground is Another-Day‘s regular dose of the music we believe You should know about. We’ll follow both local and international artists. We’ll play anything that’s currently pleasing our ears. It won’t always be the newest music, but it will be something we think you need to hear. Okay, let’s go, “Round 1″…

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