Back when I worked at a comic book store, there was pretty much one kind of discussion that would always, always come up that I never liked to talk about.
“So, uh, dude, who would win if [insert characters' name here] fought [insert other ridiculous choice here]?”
Look, man. I’m not 12 and I haven’t been in at least more than 12 years. That’s not why I read comic books. I read them cos I love the characters and the neverending superhero action soap opera stories and because I love the idea that human beings can still make up stories about the best possible traits that human beings could have. Good guys who don’t mince words with bad guys, and who always succeed in the end. There’s no such thing as a realistic superhero fight because two heroes fighting always leads to a tie of some sort or a scale-balancing second round later on. All that said, Avengers vs X-Men, or simply AvX, is exactly that kind of story. Except bigger. Issue One came out this week and it kicks off pretty quickly.
And when I read it, I felt like high-fiving 12-year-old me a bit.
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