There’s Really Only One Super Bowl Teaser You Needed To See This Year


We may not care about football but we sure do like to hear that the Super Bowl was on. You see, with each new year’s Super Bowl over in the States comes a slew of new teasers, commercials and movie trailers. This year we got something new from Jurassic World (new CGI!), another from Tomorrowland (we’re still in, Brad Bird) and even a quick dip in the Terminator: Genisys pond. But there’s only one Super Bowl teaser we’re truly excited about… the one for Furious 7.

I know it may seem like this latest Furious 7 Super Bowl teaser is giving too much away, showing us one too many stunts, and hinting at just how little Paul Walker may be on show in the latest F&F but have no fear. The trailers for Fast 6 were full of things that looked like they were giving away key action sequences, but couldn’t quite capture the adrenalin pumping successes of actually watching those chases in all their fully realized glory.

Of course this wasn’t the only teaser on display. And a few of them were even pretty good. Jurassic World‘s cleaned up the CGI a little compared to the first teaser, although it basically used beats from the original film to make us get excited about this one. And then there was Tomorrowland‘s, which continued to play its cards really carefully, barely leaking any hints of the film’s plot in favor of 30 seconds of spectacle and intrigue. Oh and Hugh Laurie.

The rest of the teasers are mostly for films that vary in quality. Seventh Son, for example, is yet another film in which beloved Hollywood actor Jeff Bridges does his funny cowboy voice while killing people. That guy must have made a Nicolas Cage level deal at some point in his career. Check out the playlist of the other Super Bowl teasers below for more of that kind of thing.

There’s Really Only One Super Bowl Teaser You Needed To See This Year was last modified: February 2nd, 2015 by Nas Hoosen