The ‘Gone Girl’ Honest Trailer Captures How Awful Couples Are

gone-girl-honest-trailerI didn’t get a chance to write about it at the end of last year but I freakin’ loved Gone Girl, you guys. Look, I’m a sucker for weird sexed up potboiler novels about awful human beings doing awful things to one another in the name of pure, soap operatic entertainment value. Blame it on a youth spent soaking up all that love/hate on The Bold & The Beautiful (I’m Ridge and Taylor 4 lyf – even though she got putty face). I especially love this kind of thing when director David Fincher is using it to show us just how nihilistic he can get about people, relationships and friendship, because that guy tops even my lust for self-abuse.

Seriously, Gone Girl was a ton of fun. While other people were trying to decide if it was the most or least feminist thing they’d ever seen, I was just desperate to high-five Rosamund Pike’s “Amazing Amy” for each new, overly elaborate and batshit crazy idea she came up with next. And I wanted so badly to shake Ben Affleck out of his funk. Even more than that time he made Daredevil. If you haven’t seen this film, maybe don’t watch the Gone Girl Honest Trailer, but if you have… well shit, they nailed it again.

The ‘Gone Girl’ Honest Trailer Captures How Awful Couples Are was last modified: January 30th, 2015 by Nas Hoosen