Another-Day Vs The 2014 Super Bowl Commercials [Video]

Jaguar Good To Be Bad Super Bowl Commercial 2014

The Super Bowl is the most watched TV broadcast in the US, which means brands and companies use it to try and milk us for all we’re worth. The Seahawks may have crushed the Broncos, but we’re more interested in the commercials. A lot of the them were about the usual “‘Murica Fuck Yeah” patriotism we’ve come to expect, so we filtered those out and got you this goodness instead.

Some of the commercials were so good, that we decided they deserved a post of their own. As for the rest of them, check ‘em out below:


Kia – The Truth

Jaz: People may argue that The Matrix is outdated, but that doesn’t mean that its references are forgettable. I think Kia were extremely smart with this concept, as it extends our perception of what luxury is, as Kia isn’t perceived as that kind of car brand in the market.

Nas: I disagree. All Kia is doing is revealing what a dated brand they are, and whichever agency came up with this should probably consider closing up shop and going to a bar (all the staff – even the cleaners) to think long and hard about what they’ve done. Good job on actually getting Laurence Fishburne though. Motherfucker needs the pay cheque after Ted Danson took his spot on CSI.


Jaguar – British Villains Rendezvous

Jaz: With this kind of cast, how could you not want to be the bad guy? I’m so sold on the idea and how Jaguar have managed to show off their product, without making it directly obvious like usual car commercials.

Nas: Y’all know how much I love Tom Hiddleston and, well, they do make a good point. I wouldn’t call this a great ad because celebrity appearances in commercials got boring even back when it was only fashion films and perfume ads that did it, but yeah, it’s got a clever angle and a good cast who deliver their lines as perfectly as ever, so there’s that.


RadioShack – The Phone Call

Jaz: “Funny makes money” as Radio Shack take the piss on their own brand, getting 80s icons to rid their store of all the old and dead technologies. Kinda makes me wonder if Blockbuster could’ve saved their video-rental stores.

Nas: I’m bored of the “ad that references another thing you love” commercials too. Does Radio Shack really think they’re bringing the revolution here by appearing self-aware about their outdated brand? I’m pretty sure their agency stuck this one in there as an absolute last resort and they loved it. Fuck Radio Shack. #irony


Axe – Make Love. Not War.

Jaz: This commercial is quite unusual to come from the macho Axe brand, as it takes a dramatic lovey-dovey approach to reverse our expectations of war. The selling point has gone from “we’ll get hot babes to fall for you, bru” to “find love with using our scent”, odd, but I’ll commend the risk they took.

Nas: I’m right there with you, Jaz. Maybe it’s a little (ok, a lot) offensive for yet another brand to preach the age old unfulfilled message of “make love, not war”, but I think it’s at least a clever attempt at connecting that concept to a brand you wouldn’t usually expect it from. Although, yeah, the underlying theme of “bad boys turned good by the love of a good woman” is still offensive as all hell.


Doritos – Time Machine

Jaz: A simple commercial that gets me laughing. Quick, quirky and funny. It kinda reminds me of the Oreo commercial that we know and love.

Nas: Genius. Perfect. Low budget. <applause>


Captain America The Winter Soldier

Jaz: I’ve never been a fan of Captain America, but I’ve got to say that the trailer for The Winter Soldier looks mind-blowing.

Nas: They’re holding back on this one because, duh, Robert Redford is the bad guy and The Winter Soldier is really someone you might recognize if you saw the first Captain America. Spoilers…? I don’t like the look of the trailer but suspect that, like Thor The Dark World, this one’ll be good.


The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Jaz: The main focus of this new trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 seems to be on Jamie Foxx’s fanboy obsession with the webhead. That, and Peter Parker’s cheeky humour while villains are fucking shit up.

Nas: While it’s looking better than before, all this additional material they’re feeding us intrigues me. Are they worried we don’t care and won’t see a movie starring Spider-Man, or are they worried we don’t understand what superhero movies are like? I quite like what Foxx is doing with his performance here. Reminds me of my beloved Joel Schumacher Batman movies.


Muppets Most Wanted

Jaz: The new trailer for the upcoming Muppets movie is more concentrated on the humour of how internet users responded to the first trailer, but I’d give it a watch solely based on Kermit’s random one-liner at the end.

Nas: It’s The Muppets. You are an awful person if you don’t love them.


Need For Speed

Jaz: Vroom vroom, cut, flash, explosion, vroom, car chase, Grand Canyon or something, vroom, blackout. A pretty effective trailer for a movie based on a car video game that doesn’t have a storyline.

Nas: You’ll never be Fast & Furious so you may as well stop trying now.
So that’s it. Of course there were more trailers for big movies such as Noah and Monuments Men, but we’ll likely get to those elsewhere. For those of you that watched the Super Bowl for the actual football game between the Broncos and the Seahawks, this one’s for you:

Peyton Manning Meme