Watch A Re-Enactment Of The ‘Nelson Mandela Is Dead’ YouTube Comment Thread [Video]

Nelson Mandela Is Dead Dead Parrot_1

Among other things, YouTube user Dead Parrot‘s channel features reconstructions of YouTube comments sections under popular videos. In the videos, actors re-enact the bitter comments exchanged by obsessive YouTube users. In this case, the video in question is one that helped announce Nelson Mandela‘s death to the world.

I’m often amazed by how foolish and uninformed people actually are. It doesn’t always make me angry. A lack of information or education isn’t necessarily the fault of the person who’s uneducated. Hell, this issue is so complex it’s hard to blame anyone at all. Who should take responsibility for other people not knowing enough about the world around them?

Still, mistaking Morgan Freeman for Nelson Mandela is really something.

That is, unless this video exemplifies an epic case of hardcore trolling by one user to another. That seems likely, only making it funnier to watch in this context, as two bitter old men do it over a dinner table.