Tag Archives: reviews

No Really, Nas Saw ‘Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2′ [Review]

No Really, Nas Saw ‘Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2′ [Review]

I’m not sure how to explain the story of how I ended up at a Twilight movie on opening night. My, um, relationship with the series has been complicated from the very beginning. I’d heard all the stories of sparkling vampires and how heavy breathing was used as a stand-in for actual romance back when the first one came out, but in the spirit of objective reporting, I sat through the first Twilight via an illegally downloaded copy copy a friend brought over.

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‘Gandu’ is A Loser, An Asshole and A Trip Through Surreality [Review]

‘Gandu’ is A Loser, An Asshole and A Trip Through Surreality [Review]

For most people, our traditional experience with Indian cinema is through Bollywood’s melodramatic pop operas that homage an apparently safer time in American cinema when kissing happened off-screen and sex was suggested by a cigarette. Even when Bollywood pushes its boundaries into the realm of the action movie, or the drama, it very rarely stretches into realms of controversy that indie cinema allows for.

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Fascism = Heroism in ‘Dredd’ [Review]

Fascism = Heroism in ‘Dredd’ [Review]

Welcome to Century21. We’re being dipped in superhero comic book stories like it’s chocolate and we’re absolutely loving it. We’d swim an Olympic pool filled with hero myth-pop today if it meant we had something to talk about at a bar, or we’d slate it mercilessly for the sake of being able to have a countercultural opinion fueled by disinterest that’s deader than the Dodo.

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‘Seeking A Friend for The End of the World’? [Review]

‘Seeking A Friend for The End of the World’? [Review]

We were meant to see Ted, but I wasn’t really paying the right sort of attention when I was driving, so I veered off into (my favorite place) Pretoria, ended up at the cinema late and unwilling to walk in halfway through a Marky Mark movie. So, seeking a comedy to lighten the mood and diffuse any bromantic sexual tension, me and Werner did the smart thing and got our tickets swapped out for Seeking A Friend for The End of the World.

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‘Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter’ and the Subtle Art of Horse Tossing [Review]

‘Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter’ and the Subtle Art of Horse Tossing [Review]

by Greg Nell

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter is one of those rare films that starts out with a fairly crazy high concept and over the course of an hour and forty-five minutes goes all the way through ludicrous and right out the other side of bat-shit-crazy. It is the kind of movie that forgoes plot, character development and internal logic in favour of over the top, CGI-ladened, wire-fu action sequences; but once you give up hope of any of the former occurring you can move on to just enjoying the latter.

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You’ve Seen ‘Cabin In The Woods’ Before, Sort Of [Review]

You’ve Seen ‘Cabin In The Woods’ Before, Sort Of [Review]

You’ve seen The Cabin in the Woods before. A few hundred times even. Five teenage stereotypes so paper thin they were used as descriptors in Always Ultra commercials go out to a cabin (it’s in the woods, dawg) by a lake and unleash an ancient evil. The jock, the slut, the stoner, the nerd and the virgin – all on an unlikely misadventure together.

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‘The Dark Knight Rises’ is Tall, Dark & Hopeful [Review]

‘The Dark Knight Rises’ is Tall, Dark & Hopeful [Review]

The Dark Knight Rises – the last in what everyone’s started calling Christopher Nolan’s “Dark Knight Trilogy” – is about to arrive in Jo’burg cinemas, and I have so damn much to say about it and the previous two films (which I’ve never reviewed!).

Batman Begins was a movie I had to force a friend of mine with really bad taste to see when he felt like seeing Mr & Mrs Smith instead (dodged that bullet).

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‘Amazing Spider-Man’ is Half Spider, Half Lizard, Half Crane [Review]

‘Amazing Spider-Man’ is Half Spider, Half Lizard, Half Crane [Review]

Yes, that’s three halves. And not all of them are as amazing as the others. Last night the Sunday night movie crew went to see Marc Webb’s sophomore feature film The Amazing Spider-Man and, while not all of us ever completely enjoyed it all of the time, it was pretty good.

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‘Prometheus’ is all about Your Genitals [Review]

‘Prometheus’ is all about Your Genitals [Review]


So the way the Greek myth goes, Prometheus is the guy who stole fire from the gods and gave it to mankind. It would be foolish to assume director Ridley Scott (Blade Runner, Gladiator) could pull off something similar, handing Hollywood a flaming 3D beacon of “This Is How You Do It, guys”, but with this sort-of-but-yeah-totally-prequel to his 1979 film Alien, he damn well tries.

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‘Men In Black 3′ imports the Will Smith of 1997 [Review]

‘Men In Black 3′ imports the Will Smith of 1997 [Review]

Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones (but really just Josh Brolin playing Tommy Lee Jones) return 15 years after the original Men In Black for another sequel (in eternally unnecessary 3D) that involves time travel and Jemaine from Flight of the Conchords. And despite being another sequel no one demanded to a franchise everyone forgot about, it’s actually kind of good.

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