Tag Archives: Iron Man 3

Another-Damn-Podcast #2: Alpha Male Space Hunter (In Leather)

Another-Damn-Podcast #2: Alpha Male Space Hunter (In Leather)

Aaaaaaand we’re back (finally) with another edition of Another-Damn-Podcast, the official podcast here at Another-Day. On this episode, Nas, Werner and special guest star Andile sit down to deconstruct comics as counter-culture and, you know, popular culture too. We catch up on Marvel Studios’ upcoming film slate, Iron Man 3Star Trek Into Darkness and nobody’s favorite movie, Man of Steel.

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‘Iron Man 3′ Concept Art To Melt Your Face Off [Aht]

‘Iron Man 3′ Concept Art To Melt Your Face Off [Aht]

I am, apparently, the only human being in existence South Africa who thoroughly enjoyed Iron Man 3. I enjoyed it so much because it was a rare opportunity seized by filmmakers to produce an actual movie/film based on a comic book, rather than yet another movie that attempted to be said comic book.

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Iron Italian Keeps Things Interesting with the Iron Man 3 Cast [Video]

Iron Italian Keeps Things Interesting with the Iron Man 3 Cast [Video]

Press conferences can get super boring considering the same type of questions are asked over and over again. Not when German comedian Daniele Rizzo is on the scene though. For Iron Man 3, Rizzo interviewed Robert Downey Jr. and Gwyneth Paltrow in a fully kitted Iron Italian suit (MK43?). It’s great to see the Iron Italian not take anything too seriously and asking questions that force the cast to break away from their usual answers.

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‘Iron Man 3′ is Easily Marvel’s Best Movie [Review]

‘Iron Man 3′ is Easily Marvel’s Best Movie [Review]

I’m going to throw this out there: Avengers wasn’t very good. I mean, it was big and bombastic and funny and fun, but it was a better “comic book movie” than it was an actual movie. In fact, most of Marvel Studios’ offerings haven’t been all that strong as films. All that changes, however, with the release of Iron Man 3.

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M-Net Movies Is Giving Away ‘Iron Man 3′ Premiere Tickets

M-Net Movies Is Giving Away ‘Iron Man 3′ Premiere Tickets

The lovely folks at M-Net Movies are giving away 20 double tickets (4 a day for the rest of this week) for their upcoming Iron Man 3 premiere. The premiere’s on Tuesday April 30th at MonteCasino. We’ve been to a few of these and they’re usually very well organized and accommodating to everyone who’s there.

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General Zod Speaks in New ‘Man of Steel’ Teaser [Video, sort of]

General Zod Speaks in New ‘Man of Steel’ Teaser [Video, sort of]

The more I hear about the upcoming Man of Steel movie, the more excited I become. Even “visionary director” Zack Snyder’s name hasn’t been enough to scare me away anymore. There’ve been a ton of Marvel’s Iron Man clips but very few from Superman’s new outing, which is a good thing, because when they come, they’re as awesome as this latest one: a message from General Zod to the people of Earth.

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Watch ALL the Superbowl Movie/TV Spots [Video]

Watch ALL the Superbowl Movie/TV Spots [Video]

I can’t even begin to pretend I understand American football; a sport involving something like 10 minutes of actual play followed by 15 minutes of “strategy”, followed by another 10 minutes of play. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. But you know what I can get behind? Movie trailers. And lots of them. See, the Superbowl may be “the biggest sporting event in the world” (I heard that on TV), but it’s also the biggest advertising spectacular in the world, filled to the brim with new short trailers for all the movies we’re most looking forward to this summer.

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Upcoming Disney Features in 2013 [Videos]

Upcoming Disney Features in 2013 [Videos]

When I went to the Wreck-It Ralph premiere, Disney Africa also showcased what’s in store for 2013. This included: Monster’s University, Oz The Great and Powerful and the much anticipated Iron Man 3. Have a look at the trailers as well as some media images Disney Africa provided us with!

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The Actual ‘Iron Man 3′ Trailer is Here [Trailer]

The Actual ‘Iron Man 3′ Trailer is Here [Trailer]

In a world obsessed with darkness and world-ending catastrophes, superheroes are supposed to be the answer to our feelings of despair: the few who can, through their own resilience, hold off the darkness in human souls. Marvel’s Iron Man is the perfect example of a normal guy (you know, minus the genius intellect and unlimited budget) with normal character flaws (alcoholism and douchiness) who can stave off the end of the world by nuking a sentient alien race like it’s nothing and then go back to his day-to-day activities of generating insane revenue and giving the US military-industrial complex several mild coronaries.

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‘Iron Man 3′ Teaser Teases Trailer Teasing Movie [uhh...Trailer]

‘Iron Man 3′ Teaser Teases Trailer Teasing Movie [uhh...Trailer]

It’s a weird world where the trailers for movies are so popular that they get their own trailers, but that’s the world we live in. So here it is, the teaser for the trailer for Iron Man 3. The trailer itself comes out later this week but you can find the official plot blurb below.

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