Author Archives: Dave Sun

Nike Redefines “Just Do It” In Their New Ad, ‘Possibilities’ [Video]

Nike Redefines “Just Do It” In Their New Ad, ‘Possibilities’ [Video]

One thing you have to love about big corporations like Coca-Cola or Nike, is that when they have new adverts, they throw a lot of weight behind that campaign. Nike have just released Possibilities, and although it’s nothing entirely new in terms of concept (inspiring consumers to go beyond their limits), the ad’s look and feel is nothing short of amazing.

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How Much Work Goes Into A Toy? Watch ‘The Secret Story Of TOYS’ [Video]

How Much Work Goes Into A Toy? Watch ‘The Secret Story Of TOYS’ [Video]

Nas and I often talk about how we kinda knew each other back in the day, but never really hung out at all. This was when I used to frequent local comic stores to buy action figures, and Nas happened to work at one of them (obviously because god was punishing him for something he’d done in a past life or something).

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Track of the Day: Babyshambles – Nothing Comes To Nothing

Track of the Day: Babyshambles – Nothing Comes To Nothing

Babyshambles has always been one of my favourite bands, as I think they (or Pete more than anyone else) epitomize that stereotype of the crazy drug-fueled Brit who frankly just doesn’t give a fuck about anything. Surprisingly, Pete Doherty is still alive and kicking, which means the band’s releasing a new album this year.

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HTC’s Rebrand Rides The Superhero Wave [Video]

HTC’s Rebrand Rides The Superhero Wave [Video]

Come on, let’s face it, who really has an HTC? I remember hearing years ago that HTC was doing big things in the smartphone world, and I still ended up getting an iPhone (and so did most of the world, until Apple started becoming pretty customary and competitors just improved their concepts). 

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‘The [US] Office’ Would’ve Been Very Different If These Actors Got The Roles [Video]

‘The [US] Office’ Would’ve Been Very Different If These Actors Got The Roles [Video]

Ten years ago, we were braced by the amazingness of the British TV show The Office. I guess with the fear that Americans wouldn’t get the original Brit style, NBC had the bright idea of adapting it for US audiences. A super tough act to follow and yet they actually ended up pulling it off. 

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Track of the Day: Sparrow and the Workshop – The Faster You Spin

Track of the Day: Sparrow and the Workshop – The Faster You Spin

Sparrow and the Workshop is a Scottish band that just released their third album, Murderpolis. The band has a sound we are seriously missing these days – good ol’ Rock n Roll. The singer, Jill O’Sullivan, also has one of the best voices I have heard in a while. Here is the second single from Murderpolis, The Faster You Spin.

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Track of the Day: Young Fathers – I Heard

Track of the Day: Young Fathers – I Heard

When I think of Scotland the following comes to mind: Shit weather, Braveheart, horrible Lunch Bar ads and what a dick Andy Murray is. It isn’t all gloom and doom though. Scotland has produced an alternative hip hop band called Young Fathers and they have quite a unique sound. Their music has influences from many unconventional sources, stuff you wouldn’t necessarily hear from a  hip hop group.

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Throwback Thursdays: Nothing Quite Like An American Idol

Throwback Thursdays: Nothing Quite Like An American Idol

Back in 2002 when reality television had started to really grab hold of the mass population, out came the show American Idol. I think the whole idea was actually quite genius. With the advent of reality television, here was a show which gave the opportunity for a random person to be discovered and actually become a pop star.

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Throwback Thursdays: RJD2 – Smoke and Mirrors

Throwback Thursdays: RJD2 – Smoke and Mirrors

RJD2 has always been an enigma to me. Over the years he’s put out some amazing mixes and collaborations, but his own album releases have always felt like a rollercoaster ride of dashed opportunities. Where he started with the debut masterpiece Deadringer, his other album releases have been hot and cold.

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Replay: Kavinsky – Nightcall

Replay: Kavinsky – Nightcall

Kavinsky is a French electro musician who’s been around since the mid-2000s, releasing multiple EPs over the years. While he released his first full album earlier in the year, he is best known for his track Nightcall, which features Lovefoxxx from CSS. This track was actually first released in 2010, but who cares?

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