‘LEGO Movie’ BluRay Reveals Hidden ‘History Cops’ Trailer

As if The LEGO Movie wasn’t good enough already, now the BluRay reveals a hidden gem in the form of the LEGO Movie History Cops trailer, featuring a team-up between bad cop Leonardo Da Vinci Michelangelo (thanks, Daniel Edwards) and time-travelling Abraham Lincoln. All rendered in glorious stop motion.

The team on this movie did an incredible job at making pretty much every moment hilarious, and so of course they did a great job on what could’ve been a backdoor pilot for a show featuring two of the movie’s greatest cameos. I never thought I’d wanna see Da Vinci Michelangelo and Lincoln team up so bad until right now. Beautiful!

‘LEGO Movie’ BluRay Reveals Hidden ‘History Cops’ Trailer was last modified: June 18th, 2014 by Nas Hoosen