James Franco And Seth Rogen To Kill Kim Jong Un In ‘The Interview’ [Video]

Now that you’ve read that headline how much more do you really need to know? As the trailer puts it, the guys who brought you Neighbors (not yeeeet) and This Is The End are about to assassinate Kim Jong Un in The InterviewIt will probably be as culturally insensitive as that all implies, and the trailer ups the ante somewhat with a few comments about how the Korean people see Kim Jong, but I do believe it was said somewhere that a big part of the premise that isn’t being revealed here is that North Korea’s own Number 1 is actually awesome. If that’s the case this will probably be hilarious.

Even if it isn’t, how can I possibly get angry at Seth Rogen and James Fraco? These guys are comedic geniuses who know how to cleverly poke fun at themselves while still entertaining an enormous audience. I’m looking forward to it. I mean, just look at this poster.


James Franco And Seth Rogen To Kill Kim Jong Un In ‘The Interview’ [Video] was last modified: June 12th, 2014 by Nas Hoosen