‘The Inbetweeners’ Sequel Brings The Boys To Oz [Video]

No, not the magical land that Sam Raimi, James Franco and Mila Kunis did something weird with last year, I’m talking about Australia (I’m a South African, man, so bite me). The Inbetweeners sequel is doing the classic “fish out of water” sequel that American Pie 2 got to many years ago, and while stories of the epic search to lose one’s virginity while being as reductionist about both genders as possible aren’t really my thing anymore, I’ve always found these guys bring a distinct charm to it. Cos they’re English, I guess.

Did I just make this about gender politics? I’m sorry. It’s a comedy, maybe it won’t be all that bad. At least there’s a scene where they’re telling a stupid hippie with a guitar around a campfire off. That’s something I’m sure we can all get behind.

‘The Inbetweeners’ Sequel Brings The Boys To Oz [Video] was last modified: June 19th, 2014 by Nas Hoosen